Welcome to the official site of junzi™, the emerging Made in Italy brand with a contemporary and provocative style.


Here you will find more information about who we are, what we do and why we do it.

If you are curious and want to be sure of our offer, read to the end.


For those who have already decided, you can click below


We look at the world with another perspective, another logic. We explore new methods of knowledge and verification.

This approach to life will allow us to dominate an increasingly heavy world full of contradictions.


I've never seen packaging like this

"WAVE" is the first packaging in the world with a built-in wooden hanger.

We created it from scratch, following our values, so that it exactly reflected our identity.

The result surprised us too, so much so that we decided to patent it.

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Design e qualità Made in Italy, sostenibile al 100%

Per "WAVE" utilizziamo un legno di alta qualità (certificato FSC), ricavato dagli scarti delle lavorazioni di un'azienda partner.

Il marchio di certificazione FSC garantisce che l'intera filiera legno-carta derivi da una gestione forestale rispettosa dell'ambiente, socialmente utile ed economicamente sostenibile.


Ogni gruccia viene rifinita a mano con grande attenzione.

Il risultato finale è una gruccia di altissima qualità che regaliamo al cliente attraverso un packaging mai visto prima.


WAVE riesce a valorizzare in maniera unica il nostro Brand, i nostri capi d'abbigliamento e la nostra identità creativa.

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Did you know that?


Junzi is a very ancient Chinese term that Confucius used to describe an ideal type of person.

Even if today's world is not the same as that of Confucius in 490 BC, the values ​​remain extremely current.

The same values ​​will guide us and our decisions.

Our MISSION is based on these foundations


Thanks for your attention!
